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Listen to the messages from them...

"The thoughtles person playing with penicillin treatment is morally responsible for the death of the man who succumbs to infection with the penicillin-resistant organism."
Alexander Fleming.
Scottish Physician and Microbiologist, Discoverer of Penicillin

“Drug-resistant infections are a challenge on the scale of climate change.”
Jeremy Farrar.
WHO's Chief Scientist

“In terms of global health it's really frightening. I am not a prophet. I cannot predict the future. But I think a 10-15 fold increase in deaths due to infectious diseases is realistic if we do not find new antibiotics."
Ada Yonath.
Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 2009

“It threatens to send us back to a time when even minor infections were untreatable. Stopping antimicrobial resistance is our shared responsibility.”
Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.
WHO Director - General

We are not making threats, we are telling the truth!
By 2050, antimicrobial resistance could claim
10 million lives
annually, surpassing cancer deaths.

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